Izon Giving

Izon Giving


If you own a business, are a government agency, nonprofit, or church
you need Izon Giving.

Izon Giving supports the business community by streamlining commonly used services. By collaborating directly with industry leaders in a variety of categories, such as human resources and merchant services, we are cutting costs and increasing your bottom line.


Izon Giving is changing the business of doing business, and there’s more. Izon Giving is an agnostic provider of merchant services, and we can eliminate your processing fees, immediately decreasing your monthly expenses. We are also an Independent Giving Organization (IGO). What does that mean? 


Our business model runs lean because our true passion is GIVING. Not only do we save businesses money, but we also find ways to give ours away, with up to 40% of Izon’s profits being put back into communities nationwide. 


Join us and make a difference for yourselves, and others! Click on a category to learn how to save on your bottom line or fill out the form and we will contact you: 

Merchant Services with Izon Giving:

Izon Giving provides merchant services without all the fees. There are multiple ways Izon Giving can help your business increase revenue and decrease expenses:

  • Switch to cash discount and see immediate improvement in your cash flow due to decreased expenses. 
  • Businesses who process with Izon get an additional 25% of our profit margin donated to either their own foundation or to the Gotcha Project on behalf of a favorite charitable cause.

Want to Work for Us?

Contact us for opportunities to join our team as a referral partner or create your own team and open a virtual office in your geographic area. We provide the support. You provide the connections.

Cash Discount - It's a Win-Win

  • Izon Giving (IGO) sets up cash discount for a business which improves their bottom line.
  • Izon Giving increases their basis points with the cash discount model.
  • Both parties experience improved profit margin
  • Izon Giving gives the increased margin back as a socially responsible company.
  • Win-Win-Win

Incoming Funds Transparency & Accountability

  • Izon Giving receives payment from a processor.
  • 25% of the profit is sent to GOTCHA Project, Izon’s preferred charitable organization.
  • GOTCHA tracks fund distribution to the charity categories chosen by business partners.
  • 100% transparency for all money in and out of GOTCHA Project using distributed ledger technology to track the use of funds.

Reporting - Open Book Policy

  • Money is allocated quarterly by GOTCHA Project to chosen nonprofits, organizations, or churches. 
  • Outgoing transactions are logged in distributed ledger. 
  • Quarterly and annual reporting of all donated dollars in and out. 100% accountability.
  • Conscious Capitalism: Businesses who are a part of the Izon Giving ecosystem can highlight their social impact for stakeholders. 

Why it Matters

  • Inspire your employees and your business partners by sharing in a company cohort that has a purpose beyond pure profit.
  • Watch the impact in your community as recipients of funds have a reliable source of income to support their projects. Referral income is allocated quarterly so long as merchants keep utilizing our services.
  • Market your cash discount program as being in partnership with Izon Giving and GOTCHA Project.
  • PHASE 2 PROJECT: Tech in development for tracking the spending of charitable recipients – accountability exponentially amplified. Knowing that the money given was spent where it was intended will be a game changer – accountability exponentially amplified.